
At 40, I was dealt an opportunity to get off the merry-go-round. To halt the meaningless pursuits of my life, to say goodbye to a job that preached endlessly about reward and recognition but didn’t recognise me when I was down. To take stock, slow down and recognise and value what was important.

It was handed to me in the form of a chronic illness and while at 42 I am still not fully recovered I can say I wouldn’t change it, now it’s happened.

The difference is in me and how I accept my limitations and turn them into positives. As I read somewhere, if you think your glass is half empty then pour it into a smaller glass and quit complaining!

It’s not that easy but bending is better instead of breaking.

6 thoughts on “bending

    • CJ says:

      It’s possible I’ve read that and ‘recycled’. I love to read. My Dad used to tell me there is nothing new under the sun and i think even that is a quote from Shakespeare?? 😊


      • Julie Jacobsen Deck says:

        I’m also a reader and have a hard time remembering which author said what, unless I happened to have written it down! But your dad (and the original author!) is absolutely correct – everything is recycled in one way or another, be it words, art, fashion, food … sickness too, actually – my daughter has Bartonella, a co-infection of Lyme, but it used to be called Cat Scratch Fever.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. escharae says:

    Been wondering how you are, if there’s any news or new developments. Seems like you’re having a hard winter. Here it’s the other way round, we’re having one of the hottest summers in history – which is terrible for my fatigue and my heavy legs – and the wildfires almost burned half of the country. 😦

    It’s nice to read you’re more at peace with your health troubles. Bending is definitely better than breaking, although I’m not the best person at it. But I love your positive vibe. Take care. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • CJ says:

      Where are you. πŸ˜‰
      Today was a beautiful day here – 22 degrees and sunny but tomorrow is rain again. The weather plays such a big part in our health and perception of health doesn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

    • CJ says:

      And sorry to hear about the heavy legs. I have the same feeling today (although the I know its not the same issue we face) and it’s purely because I’ve been pushing too hard. I hope you feel better soon. In my world I’m off to bed (yes it’s 8:20pm!)

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